On 11/11/16 04:49 PM, J.wuensch wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm Johannes from Germany. I used to work as a visual effects artist
> and would be happy to join the design team in order to support the
> whole snowdrift idea. I use open source where I can, that's why my
> main tools which I'm using are Blender, Natron, Kdenlive and Krita.
> I've never really done Character Animation or a cartoon like
> animation, as I was more into the realistic stuff. So this would
> probably be new for me, too, but I like challenges and perhaps I can
> make a valuable contribution to the project. At least I can try.
> Happy to hearing from you,
> Johannes
> Sent from ProtonMail <https://protonmail.ch>, encrypted email based in
> Switzerland.

Hello Johannes,

Thanks for your interest in the project!

There has been discussion recently about creating animated videos for
the site's landing and how-it-works pages. We could probably use some
help with the video production, if it's something you'd be interested in
doing? Our design lead, mray, would be the best person to speak with for
more details.

Here is the latest version of the narrator script for the landing page

Let us know if you have any ideas or questions. Welcome!

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