Public bug reported:

Affects: gconf2 (Ubuntu)
       Severity: Normal
       Priority: (none set)
         Status: Unconfirmed

gconf-schemas exits with an error if gconfd is not running on the
system. This can be problem for example in a kubuntu environment or
remote console upgrade there is no running gnome application and gconf-
schemas --register is called from the postinst script of many packages


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/gconf-schemas", line 88, in ?
    pids=os.popen('pidof gconfd-2').readlines()[0].split()
IndexError: list index out of range

this patch fixes it:

--- /usr/sbin/gconf-schemas.orig        2006-03-02 16:05:10.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/sbin/gconf-schemas     2006-03-02 16:08:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@
 if options.register:
   # tell running processes to re-read the GConf database
   import signal
-  pids=os.popen('pidof gconfd-2').readlines()[0].split()
-  for pid in pids:
-    os.kill(int(pid),signal.SIGHUP)
+  try:
+    pids=os.popen('pidof gconfd-2').readlines()[0].split()
+    for pid in pids:
+      os.kill(int(pid),signal.SIGHUP)
+  except IndexError:
+    None

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