exactly as described in the 'marked as duplicate' bug at

Step by step:

1. with a term/console open,
    possibly some other nautilus windows around as well
    additionally you might want to have a system monitor or top running

  cd ~/Desktop
  mkdir tstbug
  cd tstbug
  wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8721025/very_wide.png
  nautilus .

Now, when the new nautilus window opens it stays blank (see 
screenshot-verywide) and so do all other nautilus windows. (sometimes 
those windows just turn stale and don't get refreshed when others pass 
over them)

Additionally symptoms:
- cpu bumps to 100%

Good news:
- one can switch to other windows and continue work there
- patience is honoured: eventually the image/preview gets updated 
allright and then the system just responds normally again.  However the 
time to wait is so long that most people would of have killed nautilus 
before that could ever happen)

2. to retrigger one can use nautilus (or the console) to just rename the 
image (F2, change to 'newname.png')

Again I see similar 'stale' behaviour.

-> see screenshot-newname (which shows the refresh issue on both 
nautilus windows, also notice how the new file-name isn't actually shown 
until the long wait has passed)

As mentioned at other places before, this behaviour is getting in the 
way the most when browsing directories with lots of images. Even worse 
when these images appear to be 'local' but are in fact on remote (but 
mounted) disks.
(meaning you can't dissable thumbnail generation for those in the 
preferences without dissabling it for all local files as well)

PS: if needed I can again provide a 'strace' run (see attach to 
mentioned dupe). If useful I'll be happy to perform the test in a 
specific way to produce maximum useful output.

Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> could you describe how you trigger the bug?
> ** Changed in: nautilus (Ubuntu)
>        Status: Confirmed => Incomplete

Nautilus Thumbnail creation freeze system
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