Had a closer look which partitions are mounted under /boot and /1 - these are 
/dev/hda1 and /dev/hda8 which are not the Dapper / and /boot partitions. 

This means that the Dapper / and /boot Partitions are NOT shown in the 
Drivemount applet - so I was wrong with that.

But as I wrote in my initial post the behaviour of how Dapper shows mounted 
partitions changed between Flight versions. As far as I remember older Dapper 
Flights did not show partitions like other root filesystem partitions in the 
drivemount applet...

That made me wonder since they appeared in the applet and that's why I posted 
this report.

But if this is your preferred way how Dapper shall show other mounted 
partitions everything is OK and this bug report is invalid.

Drivemount applet shows my root and boot partition

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