Using a Compaq Desktop 64 bit system, Model SR1750NX. This computer has
onboard ATI graphics and 1 gig ram (shared with the video card). The
fglrx driver from the Ubuntu repositories is being used.

This computer will suspend successfully from Windows XP.

When Hibernate is selected from the Logout box, or Suspend or Hibernate
is selected from GDM, the screen goes dark, but the computer is locked
up. I literally have to unplug the machine (no reset button) and plug it
back in to regain control of it. I can also put the computer in
Hibernation with the Hibernate button on the keyboard, but this results
exactly as with GDM or the Logout box.

When I Hibernate with Windows XP, the screen goes dark and the green
power light on the front of the case flashes.

With Ubuntu, it's like the computer starts to go into Hibernation, but
then something stops it from going all the way into Hibernation.

System is fully updated as of 5/31/06.

Suspend (or hibernate) does nothing

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