Public bug reported:

Attempting to type a path name into the "Browse icons" dialog causes the
dialog to close.  I see this behavior in 6.06 (Dapper).

After playing with this for a bit, I believe I see what is happening:
As I type, the current path is being interpreted so that icons in that
path will be displayed.  A bad path causes something to blow up.  For
example, if I begin to type "/usr/share/icons/Human", the dialog closes
once I type "/u".  The "/" works since that is a directory, but "/u" is
not and the dialog closes.

Bringing the dialog up again, I see "/u" in the edit field and I can
continue to type the path (with the dialog closing as I type each
character) until I get to a valid path.  The dialog will now stay up
(and display icons in that directory if they are present), but will
close as soon as I add a character that makes an invalid path.

** Affects: libgnomeui (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Untriaged
     Assignee: Ubuntu Desktop Bugs
         Status: Rejected

Typing a path in "Browse icons" closes dialog

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