I'm running an uptodate ubuntu dapper here

# totem --version
Gnome totem 1.4.1


** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: totem
  I'm working here with a two screen solution. I've got two TFT screens on
  a nvidia GeForce4 4600ti graphics card running the nvidia-glx driver.
- Here's a shot extract out of my xorg.conf
+ Here's a short extract out of my xorg.conf
  Section "Device"
          Identifier      "NVIDIA GeForce4 4600ti"
          Driver          "nvidia"
          Option "TwinView" "on"
          Option "TwinViewOrientation" "RightOf"
          Option "MetaModes" 
  When I play a video file with totem and switch to fullscreen mode the
  GUI elements turn up as soon as I move the mouse but the don't vanish
  anymore. No matter if I move the mouse around inside the second screen
  or not.
  My idea would be that the GUI elements show up as soon as I enter the
  screen with the video playback and vanish as soon as I leave that

GUI elements allways visible in fullscreen mode with TwinView

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