Oh, the patch also:

* Improves gst_dvd_read_src_get_time_for_sector(), which now only
iterates through the correct tmap instead of every tmap in the

My gstreamer bug report has all sorts of details about my progress on
this bug, some of which was wrong at first, but here is the most
important bit:

Again, the big problem with dvdreadsrc currently is that it doesn't properly
handle cases where the title_set has more than one title.  Here's a summary of
how things work with libdvdread, as far as I understand:

* The title number is mapped to the title_set number with

* For feature movies, the feature title is usually the only title in its
title_set, which is why dvdreadsrc generally worked.  But for, say, TV serials
with several episodes per DVD, all the episodes usually belong to a single
title_set, including the "play all" title that many DVDs have.  In these cases,
dvdreadsrc is "super extra broken".

* ifoOpen and DVDOpenFile take the title_set_nr as an argument; they always
open a title_set, not a single title (although as above, for movies the feature
title is usually the only title in the title_set).

* DVDReadBlocks works relative to the title_set, not the title.  A wrong
assumption made in many places in dvdreadsrc is that a title always starts at
sector zero.  In fact, it seems this assumption can't even be made for a
title_set with one title.

* cell_playback[cell].first_sector and cell_playback[cell].last_sector are
relative to the title_set, not the title.  This is why, by chance anyway, a
multi-title title_set would at least start playing the correct title for title
> 1.

* If a title_set has a vts_tmapt, it will have exactly one tmap per title in
the title_set.  As far as I can tell, (tt_srpt->title[title].vts_ttn - 1) gives
the index for the correct tmap for the title, but I need someone to verify
this. (** After testing this on lots of DVDs, I'm now very confident that this 
is correct. **)

* The times in the tmap are best dealt with relative to the title (which is
what we want to do), but the sectors in tmap.map_ent[] are relative to the
title_set.  This "just works" as long as you are using the correct tmap.  In
this respect, gst_dvd_read_src_get_sector_from_time() was horibly broken.  The
original author(s) thought a nested iteration through
vts_tmapt->tmap[i].map_ent[j] would somehow give the correct sector, which is
utterly wrong, not to mention silly.  It seems they got the idea from
ifoPrint_VTS_TMAPT(), but didn't take the time to understand the meaning of the
data structures.  This is part of the reason why seeking is so broken.

Seek on DVD not performed relative to title

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