I think that in any case gnome-panel's behavior year is buggy, but what
leans me toward the packaging system being part at fault too is that I
can change, add, and remove menu contents using alacarte all day long
without this bug appearing.  Of course, this is in userland, but I can
do the same with system menu entries.

For example, cp /usr/share/applications/totem.desktop
/usr/share/applications/totem2.desktop .  Now there are two entries for
totem under "Sound & Video" without the bug appearing.  Now edit
totem2.desktop and where it says Categories=, change "AudioVideo" to say
"Utility".  Now totem appears under accessories.  Now delete
totem2.desktop, and totem's phantom menu entry disappears, all of this
without the bug appearing.

gnome-panel doesn't show all menu items

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