> Andreas, do you use "cancel"?

Yes, I believe I did press "cancel" in the Network Settings
window in each of my previous attempts, because I just
tried again, pressing OK this time, and now the file
/etc/networking/interfaces did in fact get written to, 
for the first time since the system was installed (I verified
that before I pressed OK it still had a timestamp of the
day the system was installed).  After I pressed the OK
key, there was a lengthy delay before the Network Settings
window disappeared, on the order of 60 seconds.

However, despite /etc/networking/interfaces now 
containing the correct WEP key, the wireless interface
remained non-functional.  As before, setting the WEP
key manually using iwconfig fixed it. Unlike before,
the interface now worked after rebooting the machine.

In other words, I am seeing the same behavior reported
by Stephen G.

The issue of Cancel vs OK does not change the fact that
there is a bug: even though choosing OK rather than Cancel
means the interface works after a reboot, it still does not
work until rebooting, and it should.

Also, the fact that you can make it  work without a
reboot by manually setting the key using iwconfig 
even though "iwconfig ath0" already displays the correct
key is just bizarre.  To me that suggests that there
may be a kernel or driver bug causing the interface
state displayed by iwconfig to become inconsistent
with that actually used by the hardware.

[network-admin] WEP doesn't work when setting key using network-admin

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