it really looks like Evolution is letting the factory defaults for NSS
take over -- which means that, although permitted, most of the high-end
encryption suites are not enabled.

I am assuming the ubuntu release of Evolution is using libnss (at least
this is what is marked). I have not looked at Evolution with OpenSSL.

In camel.c @ camel_init(), Evolution sets up the use of domestic
encryption via a call to NSS_SetDomesticPolicy(),  but does not set up
the (by default) not enabled ciphersuites, which the Mozilla
documentation state as required. This would require calls to
SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault() globally, or SSL_CipherPrefSet() on each
socket. I cannot find any such calls in the code.

So... it looks that Evolution does need a patch in order to allow high-
end ciphersuites to be used. It is missing the necessary setup.


Of course, I may be completely wrong, but I do not think so.

Evolution uses weak encryption for SSL/TLS

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