Something similar has happened to me too.

Unknowingly, I filled up my Ubuntu partition with a simple cp command on a big 
While my hard disc was full, I right clicked on the Application menu and 
selected to edit my Applications menu. I got a message that Alacarte was 
starting up, but that message disappeared and nothing more happened. I didn't 
know then that my hard disc was full, I only thought that it was slow because 
of the file operation under way.

Since nothing happened after I got the message that Alacarte was
starting up, I decided to let the copy operation do its things
undisturbed so I waited. Some seconds later, I got a message from Gnome
that my hard disc was full and the cp operation halted. I then removed
some files to make space again.

After that I had made some space I clicked the Applications menu, but by
then it was empty...

I don't know if this is the same issue as the original post, but the
outcome is the same.

I'm using Ubuntu Edgy Eft (upgraded from Dapper) with all packages up to date 
as of a week ago. (dual boot with Windows XP Pro)
I'm on a Dell Inspiron 8600c.

The applications menu has gone

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