It doesn't work at me too. When I try to log after screen locking, in auth.log 
there is:
Feb 19 10:26:08 urzenia unix_chkpwd[22395]: check pass; user unknown
Feb 19 10:26:08 urzenia gnome-screensaver-dialog: (pam_unix) authentication 
failure; logname= uid=1000 euid=1000 tty=:0.0 ruser= rhost=  user=mysz
Feb 19 10:26:17 urzenia login[20144]: (pam_unix) session opened for user mysz 
by (uid=0)

Of course my password is correct and not expired. My feisty is up-to-
date, I do it 5 minutes ago :)

% apt-cache show gnome-screensaver | grep -i version                            
Version: 2.17.7-0ubuntu2

screen does not unlock after locking

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