Public bug reported:

Ubuntu Software-Center (In Ubuntu Release 15.10) Hangs on start.

Software-Center Version
  Installed: 13.10-0ubuntu12
  Candidate: 13.10-0ubuntu12
  Version table:
 *** 13.10-0ubuntu12 0
        500 wily/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

When started from terminal with debug flag,  I receive the following
output before software-center hangs indefinitely:

2015-12-23 13:06:06,801 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.em - DEBUG - EM's: 17 15 21
2015-12-23 13:06:06,834 - softwarecenter.backend.zeitgeist_logger - WARNING - 
Support for Zeitgeist disabled
2015-12-23 13:06:06,839 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - import 
SoftwareCenterApp: 0.115623950958
2015-12-23 13:06:06,874 - - INFO - setting up proxy 
2015-12-23 13:06:06,876 - softwarecenter.db.database - DEBUG - open() database: 
path=None use_axi=True use_agent=True
2015-12-23 13:06:06,884 - softwarecenter.backend.login_impl.login_sso - DEBUG - 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,035 - softwarecenter.backend.login_impl.login_sso - DEBUG - 
_on_credentials_not_found for 'Ubuntu One'
2015-12-23 13:06:07,035 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - get the 
app-manager: 0.154037952423
2015-12-23 13:06:07,036 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.utils - DEBUG - Softwarecenter 
style provider for ambiance Gtk theme: 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,323 - - DEBUG - refresh 
with days_delta: 1
2015-12-23 13:06:07,324 - softwarecenter.backend.spawn_helper - DEBUG - 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,332 - softwarecenter.backend.spawn_helper - DEBUG - 
running: '['/usr/share/software-center/', '--datadir', 
'/usr/share/software-center/', 'RatingsAndReviewsAPI', 'review_stats', 
'{"days": 1}']' as pid: '5681'
2015-12-23 13:06:07,333 - - DEBUG - 
_retrieve_votes_from_server started
2015-12-23 13:06:07,333 - - WARNING - Could not 
get usefulness from server, no username in config file
2015-12-23 13:06:07,334 - - DEBUG - query for the 
update-database exception 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 
com.ubuntu.Softwarecenter was not provided by any .service files' (probably ok)
2015-12-23 13:06:07,335 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - create review 
loader: 0.231970071793
2015-12-23 13:06:07,335 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - no dir ''
2015-12-23 13:06:07,335 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - no dir 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,335 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - no dir 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,335 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Plugin modules in 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,336 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Loading module 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,336 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Plugins in <module 
'__init__' from 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,336 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Loading module 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,336 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Plugins in <module 
'webapps_activation' from 
<class 'webapps_activation.UnityWebappsActivationPlugin'>
2015-12-23 13:06:07,336 - softwarecenter.plugin - INFO - activating plugin 
'<module 'webapps_activation' from 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,336 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - plugins are 
'[<webapps_activation.UnityWebappsActivationPlugin object at 0x7f2791a708d0>]'
2015-12-23 13:06:07,341 - - DEBUG - launchpad 
integration error: 'cannot import name LaunchpadIntegration'
2015-12-23 13:06:07,341 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - create 
SoftwareCenterApp: 0.502797842026
2015-12-23 13:06:07,372 - - DEBUG - 
show_available_packages: search_text is '', app is None.
2015-12-23 13:06:07,372 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.panes.softwarepane - DEBUG - 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,374 - softwarecenter.fixme - WARNING - logs to the root 
71, '_on_lowlevel_transactions_changed')'
2015-12-23 13:06:07,374 - root - DEBUG - on_transaction_changed  (0)
2015-12-23 13:06:07,374 - softwarecenter.db.pkginfo_impl.aptcache - INFO -
2015-12-23 13:06:07,495 - softwarecenter.backend.spawn_helper - DEBUG - 
helper_finished: '5681' '0'
2015-12-23 13:06:07,495 - softwarecenter.backend.spawn_helper - DEBUG - got 
data for cmd: '['/usr/share/software-center/', 
'--datadir', '/usr/share/software-center/', 'RatingsAndReviewsAPI', 
'review_stats', '{"days": 
1}']'='[<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object 
at 0x7f2791a81ed0>, 
<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object at 
0x7f2791a81fd0>, <softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats 
object at 0x7f2791a81f10>, 
<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object at 
0x7f2792054050>, <softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats 
object at 0x7f2792054090>, 
<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object at 
0x7f2792054110>, <softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats 
object at 0x7f2792054150>, 
<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object at 
0x7f27920541d0>, <softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats 
object at 0x7f2792054210>, 
<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object at 
0x7f2792054250>, <softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats 
object at 0x7f27920542d0>, 
<softwarecenter.backend.piston.rnrclient_pristine.ReviewsStats object at 
2015-12-23 13:06:07,497 - - DEBUG - 
on_review_stats_loaded: '5662'

When software-center is started as root with --debug flag:

2015-12-23 13:07:13,297 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.em - DEBUG - EM's: 17 15 21
2015-12-23 13:07:13,329 - softwarecenter.backend.zeitgeist_logger - WARNING - 
Support for Zeitgeist disabled
2015-12-23 13:07:13,334 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - import 
SoftwareCenterApp: 0.111145973206
2015-12-23 13:07:13,375 - - INFO - setting up proxy 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,382 - softwarecenter.db.database - DEBUG - open() database: 
path=None use_axi=True use_agent=True
2015-12-23 13:07:13,391 - softwarecenter.backend.login_impl.login_sso - DEBUG - 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,542 - softwarecenter.backend.login_impl.login_sso - DEBUG - 
_on_credentials_not_found for 'Ubuntu One'
2015-12-23 13:07:13,542 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - get the 
app-manager: 0.153656005859
2015-12-23 13:07:13,543 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.utils - DEBUG - Softwarecenter 
style provider for ambiance Gtk theme: 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,823 - - DEBUG - refresh 
with days_delta: 1
2015-12-23 13:07:13,823 - softwarecenter.backend.spawn_helper - DEBUG - 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,827 - softwarecenter.backend.spawn_helper - DEBUG - 
running: '['/usr/share/software-center/', '--datadir', 
'/usr/share/software-center/', 'RatingsAndReviewsAPI', 'review_stats', 
'{"days": 1}']' as pid: '5723'
2015-12-23 13:07:13,827 - - DEBUG - 
_retrieve_votes_from_server started
2015-12-23 13:07:13,828 - - WARNING - Could not 
get usefulness from server, no username in config file
2015-12-23 13:07:13,829 - - DEBUG - query for the 
update-database exception 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 
com.ubuntu.Softwarecenter was not provided by any .service files' (probably ok)
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - create review 
loader: 0.223842859268
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - no dir ''
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - no dir 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - no dir 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Plugin modules in 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Loading module 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Plugins in <module 
'__init__' from 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,830 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Loading module 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,831 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - Plugins in <module 
'webapps_activation' from 
<class 'webapps_activation.UnityWebappsActivationPlugin'>
2015-12-23 13:07:13,831 - softwarecenter.plugin - INFO - activating plugin 
'<module 'webapps_activation' from 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,831 - softwarecenter.plugin - DEBUG - plugins are 
'[<webapps_activation.UnityWebappsActivationPlugin object at 0x7f71f7a29150>]'
2015-12-23 13:07:13,835 - - DEBUG - launchpad 
integration error: 'cannot import name LaunchpadIntegration'
2015-12-23 13:07:13,835 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - create 
SoftwareCenterApp: 0.500893115997
2015-12-23 13:07:13,866 - - DEBUG - 
show_available_packages: search_text is '', app is None.
2015-12-23 13:07:13,867 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.panes.softwarepane - DEBUG - 
2015-12-23 13:07:13,869 - softwarecenter.fixme - WARNING - logs to the root 
71, '_on_lowlevel_transactions_changed')'
2015-12-23 13:07:13,869 - root - DEBUG - on_transaction_changed  (0)
2015-12-23 13:07:13,869 - softwarecenter.db.pkginfo_impl.aptcache - INFO -
2015-12-23 13:07:14,311 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - open the apt 
cache (in event loop): 0.441606044769
2015-12-23 13:07:14,312 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - 
AvailablePane.init_view pending events: 0.444709062576
2015-12-23 13:07:14,626 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,626 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Utility
2015-12-23 13:07:14,627 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,627 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,627 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,627 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,628 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,628 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: devel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,628 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/devel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,628 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/devel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,628 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/devel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,628 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: haskell
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/haskell
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/haskell
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/haskell
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: java
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/java
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/java
2015-12-23 13:07:14,629 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/java
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: libdevel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/libdevel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/libdevel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/libdevel
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: lisp
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/lisp
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/lisp
2015-12-23 13:07:14,630 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/lisp
2015-12-23 13:07:14,631 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,631 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: cli-mono
2015-12-23 13:07:14,631 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/cli-mono
2015-12-23 13:07:14,631 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/cli-mono
2015-12-23 13:07:14,631 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/cli-mono
2015-12-23 13:07:14,631 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: ocaml
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/ocaml
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/ocaml
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/ocaml
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: perl
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/perl
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/perl
2015-12-23 13:07:14,632 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/perl
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: python
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/python
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/python
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/python
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: ruby
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/ruby
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/ruby
2015-12-23 13:07:14,633 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/ruby
2015-12-23 13:07:14,634 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: vcs
2015-12-23 13:07:14,634 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/vcs
2015-12-23 13:07:14,634 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/vcs
2015-12-23 13:07:14,634 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/vcs
2015-12-23 13:07:14,634 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,634 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,635 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,636 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,636 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Science
2015-12-23 13:07:14,636 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,636 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Science
2015-12-23 13:07:14,636 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,637 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,637 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,637 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,637 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Geology
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Math
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: math
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/math
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/math
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/math
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: gnu-r
2015-12-23 13:07:14,638 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/gnu-r
2015-12-23 13:07:14,639 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/gnu-r
2015-12-23 13:07:14,639 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/gnu-r
2015-12-23 13:07:14,639 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,640 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,640 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: fonts
2015-12-23 13:07:14,640 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: restricted/fonts
2015-12-23 13:07:14,640 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: universe/fonts
2015-12-23 13:07:14,640 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding 
section: multiverse/fonts
2015-12-23 13:07:14,640 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,641 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Game
2015-12-23 13:07:14,642 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,642 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,643 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,644 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,644 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,644 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,644 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Viewer
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Viewer
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,645 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: OCR
2015-12-23 13:07:14,646 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Viewer
2015-12-23 13:07:14,646 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,646 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Network
2015-12-23 13:07:14,647 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,647 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,647 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Email
2015-12-23 13:07:14,647 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,648 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,648 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,648 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - reading 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,649 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: Office
2015-12-23 13:07:14,649 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,649 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,650 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,650 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,650 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,650 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,650 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,651 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: gtg
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,652 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding tag: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,653 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding type: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,653 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding type: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,653 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding type: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,653 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - adding type: 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,655 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Accessories 
applications-utilities Xapian::Query(((<alldocuments> AND ACutility) AND_NOT 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,655 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Universal 
Access preferences-desktop-accessibility Xapian::Query(((<alldocuments> AND 
ACaccessibility) AND_NOT ACsettings))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,655 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Developer 
Tools applications-development Xapian::Query((ACdevelopment OR XSdevel OR 
AEdevel OR XSrestricted/devel OR AErestricted/devel OR XSuniverse/devel OR 
AEuniverse/devel OR XSmultiverse/devel OR AEmultiverse/devel OR ACdebugger OR 
ACguidesigner OR XShaskell OR AEhaskell OR XSrestricted/haskell OR 
AErestricted/haskell OR XSuniverse/haskell OR AEuniverse/haskell OR 
XSmultiverse/haskell OR AEmultiverse/haskell OR ACide OR XSjava OR AEjava OR 
XSrestricted/java OR AErestricted/java OR XSuniverse/java OR AEuniverse/java OR 
XSmultiverse/java OR AEmultiverse/java OR XSlibdevel OR AElibdevel OR 
XSrestricted/libdevel OR AErestricted/libdevel OR XSuniverse/libdevel OR 
AEuniverse/libdevel OR XSmultiverse/libdevel OR AEmultiverse/libdevel OR XSlisp 
OR AElisp OR XSrestricted/lisp OR AErestricted/lisp OR XSuniverse/lisp OR 
AEuniverse/lisp OR XSmultiverse/lisp OR AEmultiverse/lisp OR (<alldocuments> 
AND ACtranslation) OR XScli-mono OR AEcli-mono OR XSrestricted/cli-mono OR 
AErestricted/cli-mono OR XSuniverse/cli-mono OR AEuniverse/cli-mono OR 
XSmultiverse/cli-mono OR AEmultiverse/cli-mono OR XSocaml OR AEocaml OR 
XSrestricted/ocaml OR AErestricted/ocaml OR XSuniverse/ocaml OR 
AEuniverse/ocaml OR XSmultiverse/ocaml OR AEmultiverse/ocaml OR XSperl OR 
AEperl OR XSrestricted/perl OR AErestricted/perl OR XSuniverse/perl OR 
AEuniverse/perl OR XSmultiverse/perl OR AEmultiverse/perl OR ACprofiling OR 
XSpython OR AEpython OR XSrestricted/python OR AErestricted/python OR 
XSuniverse/python OR AEuniverse/python OR XSmultiverse/python OR 
AEmultiverse/python OR XSruby OR AEruby OR XSrestricted/ruby OR 
AErestricted/ruby OR XSuniverse/ruby OR AEuniverse/ruby OR XSmultiverse/ruby OR 
AEmultiverse/ruby OR XSvcs OR AEvcs OR XSrestricted/vcs OR AErestricted/vcs OR 
XSuniverse/vcs OR AEuniverse/vcs OR XSmultiverse/vcs OR AEmultiverse/vcs OR 
ACrevisioncontrol OR (<alldocuments> AND ACwebdevelopment)))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,655 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Education 
applications-accessories Xapian::Query((((<alldocuments> AND ACeducation) 
AND_NOT ACscience) AND_NOT ACx-publication))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Science & 
Engineering applications-science Xapian::Query((ACscience OR 
ACengineering:(wqf=2) OR ACastronomy OR ACbiology OR ACchemistry OR 
ACartificialintelligence OR ACcomputerscience OR ACrobotics OR ACelectronics OR 
ACgeography OR ACgeology OR ACgeoscience OR ACdatavisualization OR ACmath OR 
ACnumericalanalysis OR XSmath OR AEmath OR XSrestricted/math OR 
AErestricted/math OR XSuniverse/math OR AEuniverse/math OR XSmultiverse/math OR 
AEmultiverse/math OR XSgnu-r OR AEgnu-r OR XSrestricted/gnu-r OR 
AErestricted/gnu-r OR XSuniverse/gnu-r OR AEuniverse/gnu-r OR 
XSmultiverse/gnu-r OR AEmultiverse/gnu-r OR ACphysics))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Fonts 
applications-fonts Xapian::Query((((XPMttf_adf_accanthis:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_baskervald:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_berenis:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_gillius:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_ikarius:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_irianis:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_libris:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_mekanus:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_oldania:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_romande:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_switzera:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_tribun:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_universalis:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_verana:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_aenigma:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_alee:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_ancient_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_ancient_fonts_symbola:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_anonymous_pro:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMttf_arabeyes:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_atarismall:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_baekmuk:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_bengali_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_bitstream_vera:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_dejavu:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_dejavu_core:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_dejavu_extra:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_denemo:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_devanagari_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_engadget:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_essays1743:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_femkeklaver:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_fifthhorseman_dkg_handwriting:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMttf_freefarsi:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_freefont:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_georgewilliams:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_goudybookletter:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_gujarati_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_hanazono:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_indic_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_indic_fonts_core:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_isabella:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_jsmath:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_junicode:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_kacst:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_kacst_one:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_kannada_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_kochi_gothic:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_kochi_mincho:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_liberation:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_lyx:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_malayalam_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_marvosym:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_mathematica4.1:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_mikachan:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_mona:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_mscorefonts_installer:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_oriya_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_oxygen_font_family:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_punjabi_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_radisnoir:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_root_installer:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_sjfonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_staypuft:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_summersby:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_tagbanwa:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_tamil_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_telugu_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_thai_arundina:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_tiresias:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_tomsontalks:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_ubuntu_font_family:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_unfonts_core:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_unfonts_extra:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_unifont:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_wqy_microhei:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_wqy_zenhei:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_xfree86_nonfree:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_xfree86_nonfree_syriac:(pos=1)) 
OR (XPMotf_freefont:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMotf_symbols_circos:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMotf_trace:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMotf_trace:i386:(pos=1)) OR XSfonts OR AEfonts 
OR XSrestricted/fonts OR AErestricted/fonts OR XSuniverse/fonts OR 
AEuniverse/fonts OR XSmultiverse/fonts OR AEmultiverse/fonts) AND 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Games 
applications-games Xapian::Query(((<alldocuments> AND ACgame) OR ACarcadegame 
OR ACboardgame OR ACcardgame OR AClogicgame OR ACroleplaying OR ACsimulation OR 
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Graphics 
applications-graphics Xapian::Query(((<alldocuments> AND ACgraphics) OR 
(<alldocuments> AND AC3dgraphics) OR ((<alldocuments> AND ACvectorgraphics) 
AND_NOT ACviewer) OR (((<alldocuments> AND ACrastergraphics) AND_NOT ACviewer) 
AND_NOT ACscanning) OR (<alldocuments> AND ACphotography) OR (<alldocuments> 
AND ACpublishing) OR ACscanning OR ACocr OR (<alldocuments> AND ACviewer)))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Internet 
applications-internet Xapian::Query(((<alldocuments> AND ACnetwork) OR 
(<alldocuments> AND ACinstantmessaging) OR (<alldocuments> AND ACfiletransfer) 
OR (<alldocuments> AND ACemail) OR (<alldocuments> AND ACwebbrowser)))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Sound & Video 
applications-multimedia Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ACaudiovideo))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Office 
applications-office Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ACoffice))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Themes & 
Tweaks preferences-other Xapian::Query((ACsettings OR 
(((XPMunity_lens_applications:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_lens_applications:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_files:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_files:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_music:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_music:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_photos:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_video:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_video:i386:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM APMunity_lens_photos:(pos=1)) OR (XPMunity_scope_audacious:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_calculator:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_chromiumbookmarks:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_clementine:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_click:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_autopilot:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_departmentsdb:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_init_departments:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_init_departments:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_colourlovers:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_devhelp:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_deviantart:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_diodon:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_diodon:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_firefoxbookmarks:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gallica:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gdocs:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gdrive:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_github:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_gmusicbrowser:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_googlenews:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gourmet:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_guayadeque:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_home:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_home:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_launchpad:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_manpages:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_mediascanner2:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_mediascanner2:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_musicstores:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_musicstores:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_musique:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_onlinemusic:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_onlinemusic:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_openclipart:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_openweathermap:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_scopes:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_scopes:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_snappy:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_snappy:i386:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_snappy_daemon:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_snappy_daemon:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_soundcloud:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_sshsearch:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_texdoc:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_tomboy:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_tool:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_tool:i386:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_video_remote:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_video_remote:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_virtualbox:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_yahoostock:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_yelp:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_zotero:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM APMunity_scope_gdrive:(pos=1))) AND <alldocuments>)))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,656 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - System 
applications-system Xapian::Query(((((((((((((((((((<alldocuments> AND_NOT 
((<alldocuments> AND ACutility) AND_NOT ACaccessibility)) AND_NOT 
((<alldocuments> AND ACaccessibility) AND_NOT ACsettings)) AND_NOT 
(ACdevelopment OR XSdevel OR AEdevel OR XSrestricted/devel OR 
AErestricted/devel OR XSuniverse/devel OR AEuniverse/devel OR 
XSmultiverse/devel OR AEmultiverse/devel OR ACdebugger OR ACguidesigner OR 
XShaskell OR AEhaskell OR XSrestricted/haskell OR AErestricted/haskell OR 
XSuniverse/haskell OR AEuniverse/haskell OR XSmultiverse/haskell OR 
AEmultiverse/haskell OR ACide OR XSjava OR AEjava OR XSrestricted/java OR 
AErestricted/java OR XSuniverse/java OR AEuniverse/java OR XSmultiverse/java OR 
AEmultiverse/java OR XSlibdevel OR AElibdevel OR XSrestricted/libdevel OR 
AErestricted/libdevel OR XSuniverse/libdevel OR AEuniverse/libdevel OR 
XSmultiverse/libdevel OR AEmultiverse/libdevel OR XSlisp OR AElisp OR 
XSrestricted/lisp OR AErestricted/lisp OR XSuniverse/lisp OR AEuniverse/lisp OR 
XSmultiverse/lisp OR AEmultiverse/lisp OR (<alldocuments> AND ACtranslation) OR 
XScli-mono OR AEcli-mono OR XSrestricted/cli-mono OR AErestricted/cli-mono OR 
XSuniverse/cli-mono OR AEuniverse/cli-mono OR XSmultiverse/cli-mono OR 
AEmultiverse/cli-mono OR XSocaml OR AEocaml OR XSrestricted/ocaml OR 
AErestricted/ocaml OR XSuniverse/ocaml OR AEuniverse/ocaml OR 
XSmultiverse/ocaml OR AEmultiverse/ocaml OR XSperl OR AEperl OR 
XSrestricted/perl OR AErestricted/perl OR XSuniverse/perl OR AEuniverse/perl OR 
XSmultiverse/perl OR AEmultiverse/perl OR ACprofiling OR XSpython OR AEpython 
OR XSrestricted/python OR AErestricted/python OR XSuniverse/python OR 
AEuniverse/python OR XSmultiverse/python OR AEmultiverse/python OR XSruby OR 
AEruby OR XSrestricted/ruby OR AErestricted/ruby OR XSuniverse/ruby OR 
AEuniverse/ruby OR XSmultiverse/ruby OR AEmultiverse/ruby OR XSvcs OR AEvcs OR 
XSrestricted/vcs OR AErestricted/vcs OR XSuniverse/vcs OR AEuniverse/vcs OR 
XSmultiverse/vcs OR AEmultiverse/vcs OR ACrevisioncontrol OR (<alldocuments> 
AND ACwebdevelopment))) AND_NOT (((<alldocuments> AND ACeducation) AND_NOT 
ACscience) AND_NOT ACx-publication)) AND_NOT (ACscience OR 
ACengineering:(wqf=2) OR ACastronomy OR ACbiology OR ACchemistry OR 
ACartificialintelligence OR ACcomputerscience OR ACrobotics OR ACelectronics OR 
ACgeography OR ACgeology OR ACgeoscience OR ACdatavisualization OR ACmath OR 
ACnumericalanalysis OR XSmath OR AEmath OR XSrestricted/math OR 
AErestricted/math OR XSuniverse/math OR AEuniverse/math OR XSmultiverse/math OR 
AEmultiverse/math OR XSgnu-r OR AEgnu-r OR XSrestricted/gnu-r OR 
AErestricted/gnu-r OR XSuniverse/gnu-r OR AEuniverse/gnu-r OR 
XSmultiverse/gnu-r OR AEmultiverse/gnu-r OR ACphysics)) AND_NOT 
(((XPMttf_adf_accanthis:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_baskervald:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_berenis:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_gillius:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_ikarius:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_irianis:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_libris:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_mekanus:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_oldania:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_romande:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_switzera:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_tribun:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_adf_universalis:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_adf_verana:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_aenigma:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_alee:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_ancient_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_ancient_fonts_symbola:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMttf_anonymous_pro:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_arabeyes:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_atarismall:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_baekmuk:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_bengali_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_bitstream_vera:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_dejavu:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_dejavu_core:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_dejavu_extra:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_denemo:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_devanagari_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_engadget:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_essays1743:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_femkeklaver:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_fifthhorseman_dkg_handwriting:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_freefarsi:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMttf_freefont:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_georgewilliams:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_goudybookletter:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_gujarati_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_hanazono:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_indic_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_indic_fonts_core:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_isabella:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_jsmath:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_junicode:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_kacst:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_kacst_one:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_kannada_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_kochi_gothic:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_kochi_mincho:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_liberation:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_lyx:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_malayalam_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_marvosym:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_mathematica4.1:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_mikachan:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_mona:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_mscorefonts_installer:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_oriya_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_oxygen_font_family:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_punjabi_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_radisnoir:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_root_installer:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_sjfonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_staypuft:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_summersby:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_tagbanwa:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_tamil_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_telugu_fonts:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_thai_arundina:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_tiresias:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_tomsontalks:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_ubuntu_font_family:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_unfonts_core:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_unfonts_extra:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_unifont:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_wqy_microhei:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_wqy_zenhei:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMttf_xfree86_nonfree:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMttf_xfree86_nonfree_syriac:(pos=1)) OR (XPMotf_freefont:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMotf_symbols_circos:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMotf_trace:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMotf_trace:i386:(pos=1)) OR XSfonts OR AEfonts OR XSrestricted/fonts OR 
AErestricted/fonts OR XSuniverse/fonts OR AEuniverse/fonts OR 
XSmultiverse/fonts OR AEmultiverse/fonts) AND <alldocuments>)) AND_NOT 
((<alldocuments> AND ACgame) OR ACarcadegame OR ACboardgame OR ACcardgame OR 
AClogicgame OR ACroleplaying OR ACsimulation OR ACsportsgame)) AND_NOT 
((<alldocuments> AND ACgraphics) OR (<alldocuments> AND AC3dgraphics) OR 
((<alldocuments> AND ACvectorgraphics) AND_NOT ACviewer) OR (((<alldocuments> 
AND ACrastergraphics) AND_NOT ACviewer) AND_NOT ACscanning) OR (<alldocuments> 
AND ACphotography) OR (<alldocuments> AND ACpublishing) OR ACscanning OR ACocr 
OR (<alldocuments> AND ACviewer))) AND_NOT ((<alldocuments> AND ACnetwork) OR 
(<alldocuments> AND ACinstantmessaging) OR (<alldocuments> AND ACfiletransfer) 
OR (<alldocuments> AND ACemail) OR (<alldocuments> AND ACwebbrowser))) AND_NOT 
(<alldocuments> AND ACaudiovideo)) AND_NOT (<alldocuments> AND ACoffice)) 
AND_NOT (ACsettings OR (((XPMunity_lens_applications:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_lens_applications:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_files:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_files:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_music:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_music:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_photos:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_video:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_lens_video:i386:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM APMunity_lens_photos:(pos=1)) OR (XPMunity_scope_audacious:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_calculator:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_chromiumbookmarks:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_clementine:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_click:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_autopilot:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_departmentsdb:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_init_departments:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_click_init_departments:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_colourlovers:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_devhelp:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_deviantart:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_diodon:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_diodon:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_firefoxbookmarks:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gallica:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gdocs:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gdrive:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_github:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_gmusicbrowser:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_googlenews:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_gourmet:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_guayadeque:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_home:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_home:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_launchpad:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_manpages:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_mediascanner2:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_mediascanner2:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_musicstores:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_musicstores:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_musique:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_onlinemusic:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_onlinemusic:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_openclipart:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_openweathermap:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_scopes:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_scopes:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_snappy:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_snappy:i386:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_snappy_daemon:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_snappy_daemon:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_soundcloud:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_sshsearch:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_texdoc:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_tomboy:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_tool:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_tool:i386:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_video_remote:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_video_remote:i386:(pos=1) SYNONYM 
XPMunity_scope_virtualbox:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_yahoostock:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_yelp:(pos=1) SYNONYM XPMunity_scope_zotero:(pos=1) 
SYNONYM APMunity_scope_gdrive:(pos=1))) AND <alldocuments>))) AND_NOT 
(<alldocuments> AND ACx-publication)) AND_NOT (AParmagetronad OR XParmagetronad 
OR APcalibre OR XPcalibre OR APcheese OR XPcheese OR APhomebank OR XPhomebank 
OR APstellarium OR XPstellarium OR APgimp OR XPgimp OR APinkscape OR XPinkscape 
OR APblender OR XPblender OR APaudacity OR XPaudacity OR APgufw OR XPgufw OR 
APfrozen-bubble OR XPfrozen-bubble OR APfretsonfire OR XPfretsonfire OR 
APmoovida OR XPmoovida OR APliferea OR XPliferea OR AParista OR XParista OR 
APgtg OR XPgtg OR APfreeciv-client-gtk OR XPfreeciv-client-gtk OR 
APsupertuxkart OR XPsupertuxkart OR APtumiki-fighters OR XPtumiki-fighters OR 
APtuxpaint OR XPtuxpaint OR APwebservice-office-zoho OR 
XPwebservice-office-zoho)) AND_NOT (<alldocuments> AND ATapplication)) AND_NOT 
(<alldocuments> AND ATapplication)) AND_NOT (<alldocuments> AND ATapplication)) 
AND_NOT (<alldocuments> AND ATapplication)))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Books & 
Magazines application-pdf Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ACx-publication))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Featured 
gtk-about Xapian::Query((AParmagetronad OR XParmagetronad OR APcalibre OR 
XPcalibre OR APcheese OR XPcheese OR APhomebank OR XPhomebank OR APstellarium 
OR XPstellarium OR APgimp OR XPgimp OR APinkscape OR XPinkscape OR APblender OR 
XPblender OR APaudacity OR XPaudacity OR APgufw OR XPgufw OR APfrozen-bubble OR 
XPfrozen-bubble OR APfretsonfire OR XPfretsonfire OR APmoovida OR XPmoovida OR 
APliferea OR XPliferea OR AParista OR XParista OR APgtg OR XPgtg OR 
APfreeciv-client-gtk OR XPfreeciv-client-gtk OR APsupertuxkart OR 
XPsupertuxkart OR APtumiki-fighters OR XPtumiki-fighters OR APtuxpaint OR 
XPtuxpaint OR APwebservice-office-zoho OR XPwebservice-office-zoho))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - What’s New 
gtk-about Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ATapplication))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - Top Rated 
gtk-about Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ATapplication))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - 
unity-whats-new None Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ATapplication))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.db.categories - DEBUG - 
unity-top-rated None Xapian::Query((<alldocuments> AND ATapplication))
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - 
cat_parser.parse_applications_menu(): 0.344549894333
2015-12-23 13:07:14,657 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - Appview.__init__ 
create AppPropertiesHelper: 0.34468793869
2015-12-23 13:07:14,662 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - 
SoftwarePane.AppView: 0.349809885025


** Affects: shared-mime-info (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

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