On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 17:28 +0100, Richard Stellingwerff wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 11:52:54 +0000, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Removing the insetting makes the theme look so flat and old and boring that
> > >it ain't even funny:
> > >http://www.osnews.com/img/9810/cl.png
> > >Please, don't remove the insettiness/color of the menu. Leave it as is.
> > 
> >   I did not mean to take the inset, I meant to turn it into an outset.
> > Inset is different and may look fun to you, but 85% of themes out there
> > have an _outset_ menu bar, so that's what users are used to.
> I haven't had any comments to date that mention something wrong with
> the inset menubar. Since Clearlooks is highest rated at
> gnome-look.org, I wonder if the inset menubar really hurts Clearlooks
> instead of doing it good.
> So unless much more people will come out and make clear to me that an
> inset menubar is bad, I don't think changing it is such a good idea.

I hacked ClearlooksHuman on my machines both at home and work to turn
off the inset menubar, it really is pretty weird. :-) Without the inset
menubar it looks really slick, IMO.


    James M. Cape

    "`The culture of life,' it seems, is a culture of promoting
     life when it does not actually exist, and abandoning it
     when it does."
       -- M. Junaid Alam, Left Hook"

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