On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 16:48 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> > "Join Friends of GNOME and celebrate easy to use software for $OS!" (email
> > form)
> > 
> > What question are we asking? :-)
> I *think* we're asking 'how many users of GNOME are there', not 'how
> many discovered gnome-about in their panel and then decided to fill
> out a form for an organization they know nothing about'.

That is so true.  However I believe there is no harm in pursuing both
options right now.  Imperfect numbers (that catch a
less-than-100-percent proportion of GNOME users) have the redeeming
feature of establishing a lower bound on the count, which is better than

Whose toes would we be stepping on if we pushed this "Friends of GNOME"
thing?  I can not see any objection to it other than it is not ideal for
counting GNOME users.  So, if I can help in any way (I have (X)HTML/CSS
skills and (ver) modest shell/perl/C/C++/java skills) please let me

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