
On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 00:16 +0800, Davyd Madeley wrote:
> People have struck on a topic I started thinking about a little
> while ago.
> This thinking is highlighted on the wiki space
> (http://live.gnome.org/GnomeApplets).
> In short we would create a gnome-applets-extras. The purpose of this
> package would be to include all the applets that have no home on
> their own, but really don't need to be part of the standard desktop.
> This will reduce the load on the maintainers/translators and
> everyone else while not leaving older applets to die.

So, I'm against too much flux within packages, unless the code is really
unmaintainable. In many cases, the basic functionality is 'done' - sure,
it may need some more work, but did you ever think about adding
'gnome-love' keyword? Applets are really easy things to start off
playing around with, since the code base [generally] is relatively

I logged a bug against the clock applet not showing the year, and added
the 'gnome-love' keyword. 2 days later, a patch was attached - thanks
Daniel! There *are* people out there, and we're just doing a really bad
job herding them into the bits that need a little love.


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