beat that :P

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Dan Winship wrote:

> From: Dan Winship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Keyboard usage on some Gnome windows not working
> Matthew Thomas wrote:
> > On 19 Oct, 2005, at 2:49 PM, Bill Haneman wrote:
> >>
> >> Matthew said:
> >>>
> >>> In Windows 2000 and (I think) Windows XP, all access key underlines
> >>> are hidden by default.
> >>> <
> >>> hideunderlines.aspx> This makes the interface less ugly, and
> >>> possibly  also somewhat faster for people who aren't disabled (as it
> >>> discourages them from thinking that finding and typing the access
> >>> key  is faster than using Tab or the mouse).
> >>
> >> I am hoping there are missing <sarcasm> tags around that last comment
> >> :-)
> >> ...
> >
> > No, there aren't. <>
> He doesn't talk there about the specifics of the studies they did, but I
> read another article where he did. It was something like "Here is a
> paragraph of text. Change every instance of the letter X to Y." Some
> users were tested using arrow keys, some using the mouse. The mouse
> users won. This is not surprising; by the third substitution you'd
> expect that all of the mouse users would have settled into having one
> hand glued to the "Y" key and the other glued to the mouse, whereas the
> keyboard-only users would have to keep switching between different keys.
>   But "move around and type the same key repeatedly" is not
> representative of normal user tasks.
> And besides, even if he was right about the timing, I think he's wrong
> about the psychology. He's arguing for making minor gains in actual
> productivity at the expense of major losses in *perceived* productivity.
>   That's going to lead to a bad user experience overall.
> -- Dan
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Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

                 UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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