On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 17:10 +0800, Davyd Madeley wrote:
> Quoting Richard Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > The icon is configurable to whether it stays in the tray whilst
> > charging / discharging, low (still need to fully code this), not full --
> > so I guess the sanest option from a usability perspective would to just
> > show the icon when charging or discharging, or when a device is low.
> >
> > I went against the applet-as-notifier type design, as g-p-m is a session
> > daemon, running once per user. A user could add more than one applet
> > (and have contention) or not add any at all (and have no
> > power-management) -- plus I figured the user was being "notified" of the
> > battery state.
> I am concerned about 2 things: information overload and redundant 
> notification.
> GPM should also require no display settings. It should either communicate
> through the battstat applet if it is running on the panel, or in some other
> non-obtrusive way. If we have two separate things showing battery power in the
> core desktop then we've obviously done something wrong.
AFAIK, g-p-m should just replace battast, so it shouldn't be running
when g-p-m is running.
Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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