Hal will load the firmware(if it is available),  but we some other
problems: depending on the usb modem we need to initialize diferent
services (eg: for speedtouch we need to start br2684ctl), the user has
the firmware and wants do install it so the modem works (or doesn't know
it is need and we need to inform hi,)

We need to make an user friendly system:
1: if the firmware is not installed show the dialog to the user
   if it is hal will load it
2: setup the modem (run br2684ctl, change some options on /proc, ...)
3: need to dial the concection (using network-admin??)
4: have a nice dialog showing we are connected (network-admin, an

Best regards,


On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 15:56 +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Gwe, 2005-12-30 at 15:20 +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
> > Ahh, I was talking more about firmware like wireless card firmware, that
> > all you have to do is bung it in /lib/firmware and the card magically
> > works. Maybe I've missed the point with ADSL modems -- sorry.
> Ok so what you are proposing is that when you first see the device you
> produce the dialog and then let the user install the firmware, rather
> than relying on the HAL event to load the firmware into the hardware ?
> That makes sense.

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