Well Tim is working on just fixing Totem and gnome-media for 0.10
and will continue to do so for the next months at the minimum. Up to now
his progress have been slow due to having to port over plugins for 0.8
as part of his porting effort, but now that this is mostly taken care of
he can focus more fully on polishing and hooking up the few remaining
features in Totem and gnome-media.

I feel confident we will close the remaining regressions over the next
month apart from some of the more obscure stuff (like computer game
movie formats). There are also new stuff that will work with 0.10 which
have never worked with 0.8 like Real format support and much improved
MMS/WMA netradio support. 

To me the big issue is not comparing the 0.8 vs 0.10 bug count, not that
there is more bugs currently with 0.10, just different (and easier to
fix), but which branch will see significant improvements and bugfixes
going forward. 0.8 is not that branch and if we don't switch now, GNOME
is stuck with a mostly dead 0.8 branch for the next 6-9 months.
Currently the only thing happening in 0.8 is the applying of a few
submitted patches, but no work is being done on the big hard issues,
like improving the threading problems which causes all the random
crashes people experience with 0.8 Totem for instance.


On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 07:34 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Le lundi 16 janvier 2006 à 07:28 +0100, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> > It is possible to have both 0.8 and 0.10 installed at the same time, so
> > the decision could be to ship both and have modules use 0.10 if it works
> > for them and otherwise use 0.8. Or maybe support both with a configure
> > switch. However, either of these would mean taking a lot of developer
> > time that would seem much better spent fixing a single version.
> > 
> > It is somewhat unfortunate, but the lateness of the issue will probably
> > force some difficulty in the schedule. We may need to shove
> > feature/module freeze effectively back a week (but not doing the same
> > for subsequent dates) or being lenient with GStreamer-related freeze
> > break requests at first to get this straightened out.
> My personal opinion is that we should keep the schedule as it is right
> now, but accept some changes related to GStreamer so we can try to have
> 0.10 for 2.14. If it doesn't work well enough (one month before the
> big .0 release, eg), then we'll be able to go back to 0.8.
> Vincent

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