On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 14:14 -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> So, lets talk about this new dependency, icon-naming-utils. There
> is a couple of issues here:
> - The jhbuild gnome 2.14 moduleset does not know about it

This is a trivial problem then. Let's fix it. I don't use jhbuild, so
I know not where things get changed to add modules to it.

> - It does not have a bug tracker, or 'canonical' tarball location

The current canonical tarball location is on the Tango site at
http://tango-project.org/releases/ . Bugs currently get filed against
the tango product in http://bugs.freedesktop.org/ , however, that does
need some re-organization.

> - It installs things in SuSE-specific locations like /usr/share/dtds, and
>   scripts in /usr/libexec

Nothing about the script is SuSE specific. It installs the dtd to
$(datadir)/dtds, because having a bunch of separate directories each
with one or two dtd files, seems kind of silly to me, in a release
engineering, and emacs-using perspective. And installing to
$(libexecdir) is hardly specific to SUSE, given that we specify
different libexecdir paths for all of our packages. It installs it in
libexecdir, because that's where it should be. It is not meant to be
run by users by hand. It is meant to be run by the Makefile rules at
make install time. However, nothing about it is specific to SUSE. So,
please don't try to pull the distro-war card. Foresight ships Tango as
the default theme even, and Tango has used icon-naming-utils since the

> - It uses perl-XML-Simple, unlike other perl utilitites like intltool, which
>   use perl-XML-Parser. This is a problem for us, since perl-XML-Simple is
>   in Fedora Extras atm.

Well, the difference in complexity between Simple and just Parser is an
order of magnitude of difference, in terms of code, and I personally am
not going to change it, just for Fedora. This is a build-time only
dependency, and not a runtime depdency. I can't keep up with what every
distro out there ships, and in what level of the distro they ship it in.
The size of XML-Simple is extremely small, as well. If you're willing to
write a patch to use XMl-Parser instead, and maintain it, then we can
talk about that separately I guess, but I see no reason to do it for
something so simple as reading an XML file into a hash to loop over.

-- dobey

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