On Iau, 2006-01-19 at 17:09 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
> Strong disagreement, see http://blog.fubar.dk/?p=63 for some ramblings
> why this is exactly what one wants to do. Yes, you need to answer how
> the system daemon is configured when no user is logged in (don't tell me
> some UNIX-y scheme with a file in /etc please). 

Oh well that rules out gconf. Pity because a 'gconf' database for the
"nobody logged in" case would be nice and clean. But hey it uses that
nasty unix /etc directory too!

>  1) leverage and unlock the full power of gconf; e.g. g-p-m when running
>     in the "no user logged in" case reads from gconf, this might stem
>     from LDAP some day

Well you are contradicting yourself now but I believe this is the right

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