På Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 11:41:16AM -0600, Shaun McCance skrev:
> On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 10:26 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> > Screenshot
> >     * heavy bugzilla love
> >     * remove the file name entry and use a filechooser button
> I don't like this idea.  I mean, arguably, we have a file chooser
> button for exactly this sort of thing.  But the fact that we have
> a widget doesn't mean it's the best tool.

> [snip] I'm often taking a series of screenshots, and I love the fact that
> the Screenshot tool remembers my last folder. [snip]

AFAICS, there are no plans to change that.

> With a file name entry and a folder chooser button, I can see
> at a glance which folder I'm saving into, and I only have to
> click the button when I want to change the folder.  (Numbers
> taken directly from my ass indicate that's about 10% of the
> time.)  I can easily rename the file without having to bring
> up an extra dialog, which I want to do nearly 100% of the time.
> For me, the current interface is nearly perfect.

The entry is really broken. See "Bug 325708 - Typing a path in the filename
entry does not work" (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=325708) for
details about the issue.

> So are we making this change because we really believe it's
> better, or are we using widgets for the sake of using them?

A vertical layout would drastically reduce the screen space that is needed
for the dialog. While compact != good, in this case it is, I think :)

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                      web http://uwstopia.nl

come on fallen star :: i refuse to let you die :: so be mine      -- placebo

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