On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 08:27:43AM +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:

> So, we (the release team) seriously sucked on this. We're having a
> meeting on Friday to take some decisions.
> Here's the new modules that are in:
>   + pyorbit
>   + deskbar-applet
>   + fast-user-switch-applet
>   + gnome-python-desktop
>   + gnome-screensaver (if it does not depend on gnome-power-manager)
>   + pessulus (admin suite)
>   + sabayon (admin suite)

Thanks, Vincent. Can we also get a list of versions the release-team
intends to choose for gtk-engines, gnome-icon-theme, GLib and Pango?

The issues of theming and any revertions need to be covered before
we can proceed with screenshooting.

Sorry to keep pushing the issue, but I want to get a start on this,
before I find I've run out of time.


Davyd Madeley

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