On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 19:36 +0200, Steve Frécinaux wrote:
> Rodney Dawes wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 08:37 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
> >>  + the gossip icon. It just sits there, while I have no message. It
> >>    should be an applet.
> > 
> > Making it an applet doesn't solve the problem. It's still the same icon
> > sitting on your panel, taking up space, doing absolutely nothing for
> > you. In fact, making it an applet would be a regression, as it would no
> > longer work under other desktops as well.
> But it would allow me to put the icon wherever I want to put it, and not 
> in the notification area.

This is a configuration problem, not a user interface problem. Just
because you might want to do that, does not mean that all other users
will want to as well. In fact, if you want to say that, we can talk
about the majority of the Desktop market, and show how useful it is to
have them in the tray, because all of the IM clients are there in the
same area, so it makes it easy to use them all. And useful status
information is there too. You don't have to rove all around your desktop
looking for information, as it's all always in the same location.

But that's just me (and another 85% of the market).

-- dobey

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