On Fri, 14 Jul 2006, Corey Burger wrote:

> Hey all,
> It seems that the recent discussions of mono (and to a lesser extent
> python) have lost sight of two very important things: innovation and
> why we are really here.

And your mail loses perspective as of how much these apps are actually
needed in a default desktop. Most of these apps are non-essential, and
belong in gnome-extras, which can depend on the language bindings...
I am not saying those apps ain't cool, because they are, I am wondering
if gnome as a project really *needs* to contain/endorse these apps.
(Obviously gnome needs apps written with the gnome framework to survive,
but that's not what this is about).

> Regardless of what you think of the language they are being written
> in, there are a number of very cool apps and tools being written in
> various "heavy" languages. At the end of day, what GNOME is about
> delivering a simple and powerful desktop to users. Python and
> Mono-based apps are delivering this, in spades.
> Without futher ado, to remember what this conversation is really
> about, Corey's gallery of innovative and very cool Mono and Python
> apps:
> Mono:
> F-spot

Image viewer, really non-essential.

> Beagle

Quite important IMO, but we have tracker as a replacement.

> MonoDevelop

Development environment, really not needed by the majority of our users.

> Diva

Same as monodevelop.

> Banshee

Overlapping functionality with a couple of alternatives.

> Python:
> Gimmie

Sounds like an exciting alternative to gnome-panel.

> Pitivi

Do we really need an audio/video editor in gnome???

> Jokosher

Or a music editor???

> Serpentine

Usefull, ubuntu ships this.

> Gramps

Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System >> Oh
ffs, why on earth do you think this belongs in the gnome desktop???

> Gourment Recipe Manager

Or this for that matter?

> So lets focus on what really matter: delivering a rocking desktop to
> masses, rather than get bogged down in pendantic debates about the
> merits of various platforms.
> Flame away!

Ok, to sum up: this leaves us with beagle, which has an alternative
(tracker), serpentine and gimmie. As wrt the last one, this sounds like
something for the ever elusive Gnome 3.0. Also, given it's young age,
there obviously are some concerns wrt it's stability. It also may be a
candidate for reimplementation in C(?)

> Corey

Please, do not just start summing up random applications as arguments, a
lot of the examples you pointed out were bad examples.

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Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

PS: despite what's in this mail, I think a lot of those apps are cool
     apps, and pygtk and gtk# are cool developping environments (I use
     pygtk myself!).

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