<quote who="BJörn Lindqvist">

> All this talk about the "target audience" scares the hell out of me.
> Because if is decided that the target audience is the white collar office
> worker (or some other stereotype I don't belong to) it means that GNOME
> wont benefit me anymore.

That doesn't have to be true. Consider OS X - if anything, their target has
been 'creative professionals' (which reaches into all kinds of places) for a
long time. But they've been able to amass a *huge* number of hacker and geek
users with their development platform, UNIX heritage, 'just works' approach,
and lustful upmarket / cool kids attractiveness.

"Picking an audience" doesn't necessarily mean picking *only one* audience.


- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
                   "Socks for the foot menu!" - Liam Quin
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