On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 12:19 +0200, Steve Frécinaux wrote:
> Murray Cumming wrote:
> > As for bringing in new functionality and allowing varied focus, I still
> > think this could be done with additional release sets such as
> > - Productivity:
> >   Spreadsheets, Word processing, Slides, Databases, Publishing.
> > - Creativity:
> >   Photos, Graphics, Drawing, Video- and Audio-editing, sharing, mixing,
> > augmenting, collaborating.
> We could get inspiration from what KDE guys do. If the "gnome desktop"
> expands to any kind of applications in various fields (like it seems to
> be the case), we could issue metapackages like gnome-libs (gtk,
> gnomevfs, etc.), gnome-base (nautilus, panel, etc.), gnome-multimedia
> (photo management, editing and such), gnome-games (oh, this one already
> exists!), etc.

Mandriva (Cooker) has a small list of meta-packages.
task-gnome-devel to name a few.

> Since we would have meta-packages and no real packages like KDE do,
> these "parts of the environment" could even overlap, so that a photo
> management application could be part of gnome-multimedia as well as
> gnome-photo for instance.
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Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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