On 7/27/06, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <quote who="Jeff Waugh">
> > Here's my point of view, completely independent from the fact that Tomboy
> > is built with Gtk#/Mono. Here it is in point form, because I seem to be
> > doing pretty well with it:
> I haven't really heard much of a critical response to these ideas, just more
> "ber, Desktop, Desktop, Desktop, get it all in Desktop" stuff. Why does it
> need to be in Desktop? Why do we have to jam everything in Desktop? Can we
> ship it in Powertools (a suite that has been proposed a couple of times)...?

Taking notes is hardly a power user thing. Most people like having a
place that they can just scribble some notes down. My opinion is that
if it is in anything it should be the desktop release.

As for its conflict with sticky notes, the options are
a) Have both
b) Have both but "deprecate" sticky notes.
c) Replace

My views
a) Clearly is silly. While they are not identical, they both serve the
same basic purpose. Its like getting into the 4 clock situation again,
they weren't all identical, but they did the same basic thing - told
the time.

b) Having both but deprecating sticky notes to remove it at a later
date is kinda the cop out solution to satisfy the people screaming
about application churn or saying that they'll miss their favourite
note taking application. And I think its a non-argument really.

Removing sticky notes at some arbitary later date will once again have
people saying that they'll miss their favourite note taking
application, and complaining about application churn, and so it will
never be removed.

Leaving c, in my opinion, the only viable option. The people who
upgrade to the new gnome won't suddenly find their sticky notes had
been uninstalled in the process, so it will still function as normal,
and there is nothing stopping people taking the old sticky notes and
maintaining it outside of gnome, it it actually matters that much to
them. The people who install gnome for the first time won't know that
they missed the yellow sticky note app in the first place.

Having the first time importer doodah and maybe renaming it to just
Notes in the menu so people don't get confused because they don't know
what tomboy is.

Maybe on first run the Start Here note could pop up on screen and
explain what it is. I dunno, but thats a discussion for the tomboy

There, that is my opinion.

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