Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Jamie McCracken">
>> sorry, is anything else still unclear?
> Go back to my mail, read it again, and start from the beginning. What is it,
> what does it do, why is it important? Tell us a story with an elevator pitch
> and use cases, not an essay with hypotheticals.
> - Jeff

(okay here goes -  now that I have looked up what an "elevator pitch" 
is! I will try to be brief...)

What is it?

Tracker is a personal search tool and storage system that allows you to 
search and enhance your personal data with the minimum of fuss.

It allows you to find the proverbial needle in your computer's haystack 
as well as providing a one stop solution to the organisation, storage 
and categorisation of your data.

What does it do?

Tracker trawls through your data and organises it so that it can be 
retrieved extremely quickly later on via simple searches.

This organisation puts your data into categories so that application 
like photo managers and music players can instantly find relevant 
content automatically

Tracker enables you to tag your data with keywords which can be used to 
find related information or to group and categorise your data further

Tracker lets you extend your data with additional metadata

Why is it important?

Tracker provides a framework for desktop search which nearly all modern 
platforms provide

Tracker provides fast search and fast indexing whilst using considerably 
less memory than its competitors such that it can be used on almost any 
reasonable machine.

Tracker provides common storage for important data which enhances the 
performance and integration of your desktop

Tracker makes it easy to access the files you want without navigating 
through painful hierarchies as is all too common these days.

Mr Jamie McCracken

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