James Henstridge wrote:

>> Im planning to add extensible metadata support to tracker-search-tool
>> but I need it to be easy for users to add new metadata. Having a simple
>> window which allows you to define the name, type (indexable string,
>> string, numeric or date) and class (a dropdown combo of the 13 or so DC
>> types) should give us a good balance.
> The relationships between metadata types wouldn't really affect this
> UI though, right?  The relationships would be provided by application
> developers along with the metadata extraction tools for their file
> types, right?

if its just in the api then its fine with me (user defined metadata wont 
have relationships then and only application defined ones will)

>> I would be worried about anything more complicated. That said for the
>> application api I could be more open.
>> >
>> > If we ignore the implicit inverse relationship issue, you really want
>> > a table that contains "property type foo is a subclass of the property
>> > type bar".  For the case of two properties being equivalent, we can
>> > represent that with two relationships:
>> > * foo is a subclass of bar
>> > * bar is a subclass of foo
>> yes thats easy to do
>> >
>> > Of course, using a table like this is not going to be fast when doing
>> > SQL queries.  So you probably want to have a flattened version that
>> > can be used to map from a property to all its subclasses (usually
>> > including itself, to make the SQL easier).  Such a flattened table is
>> > pretty easy to maintain with database triggers or in the application
>> > code that updates the metadata type relation table.
>> We shouldn't need a flattened table as the two metadatatype tables would
>> be properly indexed so joins would be fast (especially with sqlite)
> Really?  From the description I give above, the relationships between
> different metadata types form a directed graph.  Taking the music
> example again, consider the following set of relationship types:
> 1. foo performed bar
> 2. foo performed vocals on bar
> 3. foo performed lead vocals on bar
> If I register that (2) is a subclass of (1) and (3) is a subclass of
> (2), I want searches for relationship type (1) to pick up metadata of
> types (1), (2) and (3).

okay yes that makes sense - we need to recursively get all parent 
metadata types

> SQL systems don't generally deal with graphs particularly well (unless
> they've got some extension to do so).  So I was suggesting that a
> flattened table be maintained as a cache which could map any
> relationship type to all the relationship types reachable in the
> graph.  That way you can it is a single join (or subquery) to select
> all the relevant metadata types.
> If you know a better way to do this efficiently without a flattened
> table, that's great.

yeah agree a flattened table would be best

>> Technically there's no problem here for me to implement this, my only
>> concern is keeping it KISS and simple for users/apps to use without too
>> much complication
> Ideally this would be mostly invisible to users: their queries for
> generic relationship types would just work, even if the metadata
> extractors for particular file types produced more specialised types.
> It does mean that application authors who wish to introduce new types
> of metadata need to think about how they relate to the existing types,
> but that is necessary for the metadata to stay useful when doing
> generic queries.

yeah thanks that makes sense

Mr Jamie McCracken

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