Shaun McCance wrote:
> I think most (non-hacker) users will look at a stack trace and not
> even bother trying to figure out where their personal information
> might be inside it.  Maybe adding a find dialog/bar would make them
> a bit more likely to do so ("Does it say in here
> anywhere?"), but I doubt it would make much of a difference.
>> PS. Just for reference, people *do* leak private data onto bugzilla 
>> regardless.
> Maybe we should find a way to make files submitted from Bug Buddy
> private.  A trusted few would have access to them.  We'd have some
> nice interface for reviewing submitted files, and the trusted few
> could look through them for anything that looks, well, bad.  If a
> file is clean, it gets marked public.  Otherwise, it is completely
> deleted from the server.

I sort-of agree with all of that [1]. However, my argument is that the 
situation is no different for stacktraces and for custom scripts.


[1] I don't think we have the manpower to screen every trace that comes 
in, although automatic dup finding does mean it's now more plausible 
than it used to be. However, I agree with the sentiment :-)
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