2007/1/4, Calum Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 4 Jan 2007, at 15:27, David Prieto wrote:
> > We could also add a context menu with "open" and
> > "eject", since apps menu items already have context menus and it would
> > be just logical that items in the places menu had them too.
> Personally, I think the last thing we need is more context menus on
> menu items... it's probably about the most (unintentionally)
> undiscoverable feature on our entire desktop.

Currently the only way to eject/unmount things *is* through a context
menu. Adding more, as you say, wont make things better of course. I
really really feel that something has to be done about this. It is
horrible, and I'm ashamed each time I try to explain it to new comers.

I've always thought that notification area icons for removable drives
was the way to go. These could be managed by gnome-volume-manager.
People typically object to this if they have "permanent" usb storage
devices connected. To this end there should probably be a way to
disable icons for given devices.

The n-a-icons would pop up the same menu on right and left clicks.
Maybe even pop up a pestering notification bubble about properly
ejecting the device when the device is mounted.

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