If Directory names are localized in the GUI do it really matter what
they are called in the filesystem? I mean the whole Unix file hierarchy
is essentially English as it is.


On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 11:14 -0500, Martin Meyer wrote:
> Here a (possibly bad) idea for setting up the default locations for
> photos and music:
> Use a gconf key to specify the current locations of the Photos and
> Music places. The default directories could be localized versions of
> ~/Music and ~/Photos (my preference), and there could be a control
> panel applet to chage this. Seems like it might fit into Preferred
> Applications somehow. Also, when you change the locale of Gnome, offer
> to rename those directories to the new localized name.
> Pros:
> * Windows uses a registry key to point to where My Document is
> already, so it's not an unheardof technique.
> * If the default locale of the system isn't english on the first
> statup of gnome then there would be a localized directory name by
> default.
> * Directory names could change with locale
> Cons/questions:
> * Code in multiple places to make sure directory names are migrated
> when locale is changed.
> * Can gconf key values default to some localizable string?
> * Can places/bookmarks point to a value stored in a gconf key?
> Martin
> On 2/14/07, Alan Horkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Ross Burton wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 16:26 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
> > > > I was also surprised why them people on this thread were so concerned
> > > > by Music and whatever folders they want to store the media in when you
> > > > can just index the whole thing, and thanks for mentioning that
> > > > fabulous Tracker of things. I wouldn't have explained better why an
> > > > indexer would be so much better than yet-more-standards where to put
> > > > media in (and I think that Sound Juicer patch should be thrown far
> > > > away).
> >
> > > This isn't a discussion about indexing. Indexing is great, we all know
> > > that.  This is a discussion about how to get hold of pre-defined
> > > locations (like where the user wants their photos, their music, their
> > > documents).
> >
> > Nicely put.
> >
> > > > I always found the Microsoft way of naming things ridiculous (My
> > > > Documents, Program Files), and I surely won't name my music directory
> > > > the ugly Music, rather 'music' or 'sounds' or whatever else but Music.
> > >
> > > $ ls -d */
> > > Archives/  Documents/  Maildir/  Pictures/     public_html/  Templates/
> > > bin/       Local/      Mess/     Programming/  Music/        WebSites/
> > >
> > > I must be ridiculous.
> > >
> > > You are marking youself as a hard-core terminal geek by saying that
> > > "music" is beautiful but "Music" is ugly.  Most "normal" (read:
> > > non-geeks) people capitalise these directories.  I'm a geek but I like
> > > them to be uppercase as they are proper nouns, effectively.
> >
> > I thought real geeks could all touch-type at ludicrous speeds and were
> > unafraid of capital letters?  Dont "real geeks" use directory names
> > starting with capitals and file names starting with lowercase? (or some
> > other highly elaborate naming scheme. I'll stop before this turns in to a
> > Four Yorkshiremen parody)
> > ;P
> >
> > --
> > Alan
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