> In fact, imcapd is going to be a HAL add-on, but registering dbus call
> in order to reclaim/release device. Donald, can you confirm that ?

Right, it could definitely do that as a HAL addon.  Each scanner could
have ReleaseDevice and ReclaimDevice methods which would make it
temporarily close the device so another program could use it, but that
still seems like a hack.  I guess the real solution here would be to
make sure all SANE drivers can take multiple connections, but I don't
know if that's possible (maybe some hardware limits it to one
connection?).  Does anyone know more about this?

So using libusb directly would get around locking problems?  Sounds
good, but it seems like we'd end up with a bunch of duplicated driver
code, and what if a SCSI scanner or parallel-port scanner has buttons?
 It's not likely, but it seems better to keep it flexible instead of
tying it into USB.

Donald Straney
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