On Sat, 2007-04-14 at 21:58 -0300, Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diógenes
> Sometime ago, I was talking with Daniel Ruoso about this and he give a
> good suggestion, that was to develop an applet where a user can select
> only a filter and this applet will start the magnifier with 1x, so it
> will behave to the user as a colorblind filter only, not a magnifier.
> Also, some colorblind users talked that they don't want the filter
> running all the time, so a keystroke must be defined to enable/disable
> it when the user think that he/she is not distinguishing colors. I
> will
> try to provide an implementation for this until the end of the mounth
> and I also created a bugzilla reference to track this:
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=422347 

Does it make more sense to have this functionality in a compositing
manager?  You probably can hack up a compiz/beryl plugin in an
afternoon.  Don't forget metacity though :).


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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