On Sun, 2007-09-16 at 09:10 +0100, John Carr wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-09-15 at 18:26 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 21:31 +0200, Ali Sabil wrote:
> > > I am wondering why discussion is continuing in the "Git vs SVN (was:
> > > Can we improve things?)" thread, why the discussion is not happening
> > > here instead ?!
> > > 
> > > I don't want to offend anyone (so take it lightly), but I am afraid
> > > that many of us are subject to a "Confirmation bias" ... Can't we just
> > > continue the discussion in this thread comparing svn to DRCS in
> > > general before deciding on which DRCS would be the most appropriate to
> > > use within the GNOME project ?
> > 
> > Because you can't talk about some abstract concept.  I can't imagine
> > anyone having any remotely legitimate reason to discuss that DSCM
> > systems are not good for GNOME.  This is simply a corollary of the fact
> > that DSCMs provide all functionality that the SCSMs do.  So,
> > theoretically, you don't lose anything, and gain some.
> How do you set up a master repository with GIT/BZR? Generally it seems
> to involve pushing over ssh/sftp? Does that integrate with GNOME
> accounts? Does letting people push mean they could push other crap and
> hurt the repo? Or have they both gained daemons? Do they have logins
> that integrate with gnome accounts? Can one daemon handle multiple
> repos?

I don't know about git, but bzr has a "smart server" you can use:

> Perhaps a legitimate reason is that moving to a DSCM won't be a benefit
> to everyone, yet everyone will have to learn another set of tools. Even
> just last month someone didnt know how to link to a file in SVN. And in
> order to make happy The GIT Crowd (and piss off all the people that just
> want to get on with their project) a sugar load of infrastructure needs
> to be tossed away.
> Does CIA.vc have bzr/git support? I guess a few GNOME projects must use
> it as GNOME is the third most active project today.
> How does buildbot work with bzr/git? The project looks a bit stalled,
> but the GNOME buildbot was a great idea that I was hoping to see gain
> ground.
> > In practice however, git is too hard and confusing to learn.  *That* is
> > a reason against this specific DSCM system.
> This is the reason i've been using bzr-svn. Its "svn with benefits"
> style suits me very well. The fact is, i'm happy with svn until i'm
> stranded without an internet connection, thats with bzr steps in. And
> its brilliant.
> > > I am also afraid that we might be just becoming nothing more but "geek
> > > fashion" addicts trying to follow the latest RCS tendency without
> > > really building solid and constructive arguments !
> > 
> > I was going to be offended, but you warned :).  Now that most probably
> > means that you don't hack on the more crowded projects that much...
> > Many Gtk+ developers for example could not have been as productive as
> > they are right now if it wasn't for git-svn.  And that's only a
> > half-arsed solution.
> Again, its ok to say something is crap, but please tell us why! "SVN
> SUCKS!!" and "GIT FTW!!" aren't very compelling reasons.
> John
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