On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 16:27 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On 10/31/07, Jürg Billeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 18:59 +0100, Denis Washington wrote:
> > > I created two mockups for possible keyboard and mouse capplets in GNOME
> > > 2.20. Their aim is to incorporate accessibility features in both; the
> > > existing keyboard a11y features into Keyboard and the already discussed
> > > Mousetweaks settings into Mouse. The mockups can be found here:
> > >
> > > Keyboard: http://ultimum-projekt.de/mockups/keyboard.html
> > > Mouse:    http://ultimum-projekt.de/mockups/mouse.html
> > >
> > > What do you think?
> >
> > Shouldn't we also incorporate the Keyboard Shortcuts capplet into the
> > Keyboard capplet at the same time? Otherwise good work, as far as I can
> > tell from a quick look.
>  I don't think there was sufficient agreement that shortcuts have much
> if anything to do with the other keyboard settings.

right, and it would make the keyboard capplet too crowded. Since there
is the mousetweaks discussion going on, what about having shortcuts and
mousetweaks into an 'input devices actions' (find a better name)
Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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