On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 10:45:19PM +0100, Ali Sabil wrote:
> I have usd waf quite a lot, it basically just blows off autotools,
> anyway, I am afraid the whole discussion will become pointless, as
> long as people criticize things without even giving them a try, just
> for the sake of criticizing... This reminds me the Distributed SCM
> mailing list thread ...

In this case there is an easy solution. Convert a few GNOME projects to
the new build system and show the result. Don't agree that if someone
proposes something new, it is up to others to try it ('sell the thing'
you propose).
At one point someone has to do the grunt work of switching every module
to the new build system (+ ensuring it is possible). I don't believe
most maintainers will do this (even if it is 10x better, maintainable,
etc). From what I read, this is how the KDE switch was mostly done (a
few interested people who did stuff).
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