On 10/11/2007, Rob Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 15:40 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> >> That said, there is one concern which trumps all others when choosing
> >> a
> >> build system: how easy is it for someone with a plain vanilla
> >> distribution to compile & install your software? ./configure && make
> >> &&
> >> make install is about as hard as it can be. any harder, and your
> >> barrier
> >> to entry is too high. That includes "cd build; cmake ..; make; make
> >> install;" (at least until it becomes ubiquitous). How does toc2 fare
> >> on
> >> this level? autoconf/automake are hard for the software developer,
> >> because the goal is to make it easy for the software builder. The
> >> trade-off pays off in community size, testers, developers and
> >> translators down the line.
> >
> > And in that casse, the requirement for autotools based is very low: only
> > shell and the compiler + dependencies for said program (no need for the
> > autotools if you just want to build). While for CMake based build, you
> > need CMake to be installed first.
> <snip>
> I don't have much to add to this thread (I like autotools, but its like
> git or vim/emacs - love only after much pain..) But the low dependency
> of autotool's generated output is very important, and a lot of the
> reason that it looks the way it looks. To build a package that's using
> autotools all you need is any bourne(ish) shell and any flavour of make.

Totally wrong. I dare you build anything with a barebones linux install with
only a shell and make. You need:

 * A C compiler
 * Tons and tones of -dev packages
 * If you want to compile a fresh SVN/CVS checkout you need

If I create an absolutely minimal installation and do "apt-get build-dep
nautilus" how many development related packages would I end up with? 100?

Development requires a lot of packages. Let's not pretend it doesn't.
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