Homepage: http://www.beatniksoftware.com/gimmie/
svn/git/bzr/...: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/gimmie/
Proposal on d-d-l: 

Short description:
Gimmie is a unique desktop organizer for Linux. It's designed to allow
easy interaction with all the applications, contacts, documents and
other things you use every day.
(Note: only the applet is proposed for inclusion)

Summary so far:
 + again, this is only about the applet
 + some issues that needed to be solved first, and Alex sent a status
   update indicating they were fixed
 + there used to be a lack of maintainer resources. Current status
 + stability used to be an issue. Current status unknown, but should be
 + performance/memory footprint? (it was just someone wondering about
   it, not people saying that it's bad)
 + a few +1 from gimmie users

Alex can probably send a small update.


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