On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 04:52 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/projects/vinagre/
> svn/git/bzr/...: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/vinagre/
> Proposal on d-d-l: 
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2007-September/msg00548.html
> Short description:
> ==================
> Vinagre is a VNC client for GNOME. It fits well on the GNOME Desktop, by
> following HIG and using technologies like Avahi and Keyring.
> (Note: goal seems to be to also support RDP, SSH (X forwarding, I
> guess?), NX in the future, according to one of the early mails)

This is an analysis of the documentation, made on behalf of the
Gnome Documentation Team.  It does not necessarily reflect my
personal opinion of the module or its suitability for inclusion
in Gnome.  In many cases, I have not made extension use of the
applications or libraries provided.  Further insufficiencies in
the documentation may become more apparent with more use.

Vinagre doesn't appear to have any user documentation, and the
developers have not contacted the Gnome Documentation Team about
writing documentation.

(Reminder: proposing an undocumented module is not a problem.
Hackers are often not good writers, and we don't expect that
people bring fully documented programs to our doorstep.  But
if you need documentation help, you need to contact us early.)

If I'm not mistaken, Vinagre is the client to Vino's server.
If that is the case, we should probably have some coordination
between the documentation for these two packages.


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