On Feb 6, 2008 3:19 AM, Iain * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Surely the ellipsis is to indicate actions that are not completed once
> the dialog opens

Only action that *always* requires input to become complete is a
confirmation dialog. Object properties and page properties (called
page setup) are completed when user wants them to be. There is no
obligation to change anything and this kind of dialogs rarely requires
you to close the window to see the changes.

> Preferences should be Preferences . . . because the intended action
> (Setting the preferences) is not complete once the dialog is opened.
> Help->About doesn't need one, as the action (Look at the about box) is
> completed by opening the dialog.

Sure, and File / Save should become Save... if the file is new or as
soon as the original file changes (both cases display further
dialogs). Heck, even print preview shows a window that needs to be
closed in order to continue your work. We better add an ellipsis there
too. Oh wait, no.

> Page Setup should be Page Setup . . . because the action (Set up the
> page) is not completed once the dialog is opened, further action is
> needed before the page setup is complete.

Same about accessibility (assistive technology setup), bluetooth
(bluetooth stack setup), database access properties (database access
setup), default printer (default printer setup)... and so on until you
run out of desktop entries. All of these do show dialogs. None of
these *require* any input before *you* (the user) decide that "their
action is complete" (the action is often "check current settings").

In short words: I don't agree.

Patryk Zawadzki
PLD Linux Distribution
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