To add some worms... there are also the in app GUI testing frameworks, 
such as Windmill and Selenium (for browsers).


Willie Walker wrote:
> Hi All:
> I might be opening a big can of worms with this question, and I 
> apologize if someone is already working in this space and I just don't 
> know it.
> What is the automated testing strategy for GUIs in GNOME?  Is there a 
> well defined way to create a 'make test' target and have it do the right 
> thing?
> I know of LDTP and Dogtail, and the build brigade folks were trying 
> something at one time.  Orca has its regression test harness as well. 
> But, I know of no unifying test strategy for GNOME.  Are people working 
> in this space?  If not, does the community have an interest in seeing 
> something like this emerge?
> Will
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