> All of that means that there are no run-time problems.
> The only actual concern is whether compilers will choke
> on UTF-8 source files.  Alan says that, according to the
> standard, a compiler would be perfectly right to choke.
> I believe him.  I also don't care.

I don't think that one is a show stopper because if you can guarantee the
rest will not break C provides you with \ escapes so you can paste the
string in that way. So the question is the one about feeding utf-8 to
glibc functions and internal cleanness of gtk/glib (eg what C library
dependancies does it have). Having to use \ escapes for the quotes is a
trivial inconvenience.

> They don't just look better.  They're easier to read.
> What's more, they're correct.  And if we could get over
> this barrier, maybe we could start using proper dashes.
> Good typography makes text more legible.

Agreed - my concerns are to do it right, not whether it should be done.

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