2008/8/31 Andre Klapper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> GNOME 2.24.0 release is on September 22 (see [1]), and we still have
> enough 2.24 blocker bugs (and other bugs of course) to fix for
> everybody! Take a look, test & help out, clean up our platform, make
> 2.24 better!
> * http://live.gnome.org/GioPort :
> PATCHES: alacarte, gnome-applets, gnome-utils, gnome-build, gdl,
> TODO: gnome-python-desktop, gnome-utils, sabayon, anjuta

I tried to guess how to patch sabayon[0], however, I couldn't find any
clear examples on how to understand and use the monitor API for
gnome-vfs and gio to be able to come up with a patch.

Anyone willing to help here?

[0] http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/sabayon/trunk/lib/dirmonitor.py?view=markup
Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz
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