On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Ali Sabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 1:18 AM, John Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Behdad Esfahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > Claudio Saavedra wrote:
>> >> On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 15:10 +0000, John Carr wrote:
>> >>>>  Lets not turn this into yet another bazaar vs. git war cause we
>> >>>> already had plenty of that and nothing good comes out of that.
>> >>> I think the vote should be down to the foundation members.
>> >>
>> >> I actually think that, if any, the vote should be down to the GNOME SVN
>> >> users. But all of them (or at least those who care enough to vote).
>> >
>> > Agreed.  Only recently active SVN users.  Why should past contributors
>> > who do
>> > not commit anymore decide what DVCS tool *I* use?
>> >
>> >> Claudio
>> >
>> > behdad
>> >
>> Don't forget sysadmins. While not active SVN users, they will have to
>> support whatever you demand.. Pretty sure they should have a say..
>> Personally, no one is telling me what DVCS tool *I* use. Its like
>> mandating I use emacs for GNOME development. Ain't gonna happen...
> I have been using bzr-mirror for the past few months happily, thanks to John
> Carr's work I can pull from either bzr-mirror or directly from svn, and push
> to svn as if it was a bzr branch.
> I personally think that keeping svn, and maintaining bzr-mirror, git-mirror,
> and hopefully an hg-mirror would make everyone happy. All of bzr, hg and git
> provide a mean to interop with svn, while there is not always a way to
> interop between the various DRCS that people tend to prefer, so maybe
> sticking with svn for now would be the right choice ?
> --
> Ali

As much as I personally agree with the sentiment, unfortunately
git-svn is just not as mature and useful as bzr-svn. While you can
just 'bzr push' like we already had bzr.gnome.org all along, git-svn
has rules and limitations on what does and doesnt work (and maybe what
is and isnt safe to try and do...)

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