On 5 Nov 2008, at 10:57, Matthew McGowan wrote:

My main menu mockup, i believe, offers more functionality than existing main menus... though i guess it is similar to the Novells Slab menu and Vista's Start menu(?). It would provide a single location for browsing applications, friends/contacts, places, deskbar-like search, document history, logout options and system preferences & administration.

Caveat: I haven't looked at your prototype yet (any chance you could just throw up a screenshot or two somewhere?)

But my usual reaction to these "all-in-one" menus is "why do I need an all-in-one menu"? Many of the categories you've listed above (apps/ docs/places, friends/contacts, system preferences, logout options) aren't fundamentally related, so why try to shoehorn them all into the same small bit of screen real-estate?


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
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