Le mercredi 05 novembre 2008 à 16:55 +0100, Luca Ferretti a écrit :
> So we have two different issues.
> ** Issue #1  **
>         We want a standard, well behaving, full featured GNOME framework
>         for burning.
>         Solutions:
>               * add missing features in nautilus-cd-burner (and ask
>                 Brasero developers to use it)
>               * drop nautilus-cd-burner and switch to Brasero (if
>                 Brasero is the "right" framework and can replace n-c-b
>                 as library)

Amen. If we can replace libnautilus-burn by a new one which is better
maintained, that’s all good, but currently brasero doesn’t have it.
> ** Issue #2 **
>         Do we want an additional standalone burning application à la
>         Nero in GNOME Desktop?
>         Solutions:
>         None, this will depend on release team ;-) 
>         OK, serious. Dunno. A "standalone burning application à la Nero"
>         maybe is not in the scope of a _basic_ desktop environment,
>         probably a "GNOME Extra" moduleset is a more appropriate place
>         (if we choose to keep n-c-b as burning framework, of course).

Maybe we should seek the use cases for such an application.

Case #1: pick some files and burn them on some media.
 => I feel burn:/// is the best interface ever designed to do that. Of
course it could be improved, especially with the nice bar showing the
remaining place on the disk.

Case #2: pick some sound/video files and burn them as a data CD
 => The place to do it is either the file manager (with burn:///) or the
sound application (totem or rhythmbox). I don’t think we need a specific
application to do it.

Case #3: pick some sound/video files and burn an audio CD/VCD/DVD
 => Same as case #2. We might want to improve the burn:/// to be able to
burn an audio CD instead of a data one - it implies being able to sort
files regardless of their name.

Case #4: append data to a multisession CD
 => As the existing data on the CD is already best accessed from the
file manager, I’d feel easier if there was, in these directories, a "add
files to CD" button that would bring a burn:/// window. Again, that’s
something that would be better done from the file manager (but which is
not possible today with ncb).

Case #5: create a dual data/sound CD
 => Here you need to be able to specify two sets of files: the ones
going to the data track, and the ones going to audio tracks. A
standalone application might do the trick, but it may still be possible
to do it from the file manager. See my mockup later.

Case #6: create a bootable CD
 => The boot image is something that is just passes as a burn parameter.
We could add it as a parameter to the burn window (be it that of ncb or
that of brasero), only showed if you open an "advanced settings" tab or
something of the like.

I am probably forgetting some cases, but so far I don’t see any that
mandates a new application.

As for burn:/// being able to handle audio tracks as well as data
tracks, we could do something similar to the attachment bar in

┃⊚                      CD/DVD Creator                           ⊟⊞⊠┃
┃ File Edit ...                                                     ┃
┃ CD creator    [===========   ] 540 / 700 MB      [ Burn to disc ] ┃
┃ Name                                            │ Size  │ Type    ┃
┃ Blah blah.odt                                   │ 2 MB  │ ...     ┃
┃ Foobar                                          │ 1 MB  │ ...     ┃
┃                                                 │       │         ┃
┃                                                 │       │         ┃
┃                                                 │       │         ┃
┃ > Click here to add audio tracks                                  ┃

The expander would then open another treeview, containing a re-orderable
list of audio tracks. This allows to handle properly both audio CDs and
dual audio/data CDs, without making the interface too complicated.

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